Feb 23, 2022Liked by Jon J. Kerr

Spot ON!

Every single day, when I drop off my daughter at school for Kindergarten, I see her principle walking the playground with a mask on, even though the risk outdoors has always been extremely low. I viewed this as a "conditioning tool" to normalize masking for young people, and instill the idea of a High Level of Threat, because it does not make sense based on "SCIENCE".

I am supposed to trust THESE PEOPLE with MY KIDS, even though I have NEVER seen their faces in real life. GIVE ME A BREAK. Their actions PROVE, they have 0 trust for me or the kids. Their actions prove that this is not about health or safety, but an overhaul on how to engage in human to human interaction moving forward.


Thank you for the read Jon.

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Conditioning is the right way to frame situation you described. Can't let kids think it's 'normal' to wear masks. Always appreciate your comments, Reid. Thank you.

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I hope by "reject" that you mean that you are getting your child(den) out of there!

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