Well documented, Jon. This is a lesson to parents: be armed with knowledge of the law…and stand up for your children.

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Thanks for reading and commentating, Shannon. Appreciate your advocacy for kids/parents.

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Great reporting, Jon.

Parents, be like Russ. Read the law and know your/your child's rights.

A school or daycare has zero authority to accuse your child of exposure and order him/her to stay home from school, get a test, wear a mask, etc., based on that alleged exposure.

The most a school can do independently is what they've always done with a reportable communicable disease: Send notice to parents they have been notified of one or more cases in the classroom, grade level, or school, and tell you what symptoms to watch for.

Anything more than that with respect to non-sick children has to come directly from the health department to the parent, in the form of an actual order (not a generic notice).

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Spot on advice. Thanks for reading and commentating.

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This is an extremely troubling story. Thank you Jon for reporting on it.

I still do not understand the reasoning behind a parent wanting to test their children within this age group. It changes nothing in how the child would be treated as they "recover".

How can anyone with a straight face honestly believe that KIDS can comply with these safety mitigations, and this developing social construct built on irrational fear? Isolating, masking, denying education, is CHILD ABUSE...PERIOD.

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